Compliance Automation

Demonstrating compliance for an ever-increasing number of regulatory standards is proving to be prohibitively expensive for IT organizations. SignaCert solutions greatly simplify the process of establishing and maintaining compliance with the regulations and standards IT organizations face most. With out-of-the box assessment and reporting capabilities, SignaCert solutions automatically generate the audit trail necessary to demonstrate compliance, providing significant cost savings over manual procedures.
SignaCert's combination of a NIST-validated SCAP compliance and vulnerability assessment solution with next-generation File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) provides the highest level of assurance for your IT infrastructure.
NIST 800-53
NIST 800-53 defines recommended security controls for information systems used within the Federal government. Combined with FIPS 200, these form the foundation of required FISMA compliance for all Federal information processing systems. SignaCert solutions simplify the audit and hardening process, ensuring that systems stay in compliance with these standards.
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Japanese Sarbanes-Oxley (JSOX), and Canada's Bill 198 were enacted to ensure that financial reports of public companies are accurate and complete. SignaCert solutions integrate with financial reporting process controls (COBIT) to validate that established procedures are being followed, generating the audit trail necessary to demonstrate ongoing compliance.
The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires that all systems involved in credit card transaction processing have controls in place, notifying if unauthorized changes are made to critical system files and configurations. SignaCert solutions ensure that your systems meet and exceed PCI requirements by providing immediate notifications of unauthorized changes along with standard reports that demonstrate historical PCI compliance.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires insurance and health care providers to maintain the security and confidentiality of all electronically stored patient records. SignaCert solutions enable providers to prove ongoing HIPAA compliance, generating immediate notifications when client data is at risk.
A critical requirement for achieving NERC compliance is demonstrating that a proper change control and configuration management system is in place to secure access to critical cyber assets. SignaCert solutions provide the assessment and auditing capabilities for IT organizations to prove that their change processes are being followed in accordance with NERC standards.
In order to strengthen Federal IT security by reducing opportunities for hackers to access and exploit government computer systems, the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) was mandated. Currently, the FDCC applies to Windows XP desktops, Vista desktops, and laptops that are connected directly to the network as well as devices that connect intermittently.