Independent IT Controls

Can you prove whether or not your desktops match the FDCC reference specification?

SignaCert Verify™ can...

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SignaCert Verify Proves FDCC Compliance

SignaCert Verify™ measures your desktops and compares them with the appropriate FDCC reference specification and reports on compliance status. If your desktops don't match, SignaCert Verify will deliver a detailed list of specific deviations providing you a clear path to achieving compliance. Simply download and run the client to view results.

This client scans the machine and creates an xml file with cryptographic hashes for the files it finds. Scanning is limited by policy to ONLY the C:\WINDOWS directories. NO USER DIRECTORIES ARE SCANNED. File types are also specified by policy. Only .bat, .cmd, .dll, .drv, .exe, .ocx, .scr, and .sys file types are scanned. NO USER FILES ARE SCANNED NOR IS ANY USER SPECIFIC INFORMATION CAPTURED. The xml file is sent to SignaCert Verify to compute the results. This transaction DOES NOT RECORD THE IP ADDRESS NOR ANY OTHER PERSIONALLY IDENTIFABLE INFORMATION.

More information on SignaCert Verify can be found here.